“…Your guide through the murky waters of corporate governance…”

Corporate Governance

In the business environment that exists after the financial crisis on Wall Street, proper corporate governance has never been so important to both public and private business.  With Chartered Director certifications and Boardroom experience, Millington & Associates can properly guide any boardroom through the murky waters and requirements of corporate governance.

Steve Howse has been a Chartered Director since 2007 and has been sitting on for-profit and not-for-profit Boards since 1992; he recognizes the unique governance challenges and requirements that Boards face today.  He currently sits on three Boards: Advica Health, Globility Communications, and is the Chair of the Canadian Football Hall of Fame & Museum.  At the Directors College, he leads modules on I.T. Strategy and Brand Reputation.  Steve is also an instructor at the McMaster Not-for-Profit Governance and Executive Education programs teaching the modules on "Building Better Boards" and "Executive Director Development."

In Canada, it is likely that Corporate Governance training will soon become a requirement of anyone who is sitting on the Board of Directors of a Canadian company. Get a jumpstart on these potential requirements by contacting Millington to talk about corporate governance training.

Areas of expertise include:

  • Strategic Planning & Facilitation
  • Vision, Mission, Values Development
  • Succession Planning & Board Development
  • Board Structure & Charters
  • Board Evaluation Tools